New landfill cards will be available on April 1st 2024
The New Haven Township Trustees have decided that there will no longer be curbside trash pickup in the spring and fall. In place of this service, residents will be offered one (1) card per household per year to take their trash to the Huron County Landfill. On this card will be available 5 punches worth 250 lbs per punch. The card will be in effect from April 2024- April 2025. Residents may pick up their card at the recycle site from 9a.m.-1p.m. at the New Haven Township hall or by sending a self addressed stamped envelope to: New Haven Township, PO Box 65, New Haven OH 44850. Please include the name, address and active phone number for the recipient of each card.
Current Trash Cards will be in effect from April 1, 2024 - April 1,2025